John Pisano’s Guitar Night  - The Book

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A little over twenty-two years ago John Pisano called and invited me to be part of what would be the first Guitar Night at the Papashon Restaurant in Encino California. Little did I know how life changing that phone call would be?I remember getting dressed to go to the first Guitar Night and as I was leaving, I looked at my dresser and there sitting on top was my camera and I was debating whether I should take it with me. I find it just amazing how the smallest of decisions can change your life in such a profound way.For three years I sifted through boxes of proof sheets, negatives, and file after file of digital Guitar Night images. There were months of sorting, scanning, retouching, and researching then eventually the writing of the text and bios. Then with the help of guitarist Pat Kelley who did the editing, and guitarist/graphic designer Ted Mayer's contributions, it all came together. Needless to say my days have been busy and hopefully my audience will have found them fruitful.Since September of 1997, John Pisano has presented 132 world-class guest guitarists along with twenty-five or so who have “sat in”, plus countless who have played at special Guitar Night events and celebrations. They were all supported by the finest sidemen available.From that very first Guitar Night with the legendary seven-string guitarist, George van Eps, to the present day, I have photographed in seven different venues almost every Guitar Night, including the special events, anniversary’s, memorials, special guests, and just gaggles of guitarists “hanging” around each Guitar Night.It has been my intention to not only chronicle, but to introduce you to a special group of artists who I have had the honor of photographing and getting to know. It is my hope that through my photos, you will get to know them as I have.

 Bob Barry

Bob Barry, Photography      Ted Mayer, Design       Pat Kelley, Editor